Monday, January 31, 2011

Uuhmm...housework/groceries or craft

Well it looks like there won't be much happening in the craft department today as I have a bit of home maintenance to do... mainly groceries.  Yes the cupboards are bare and as for the fridge it's almost empty (maybe I should clean it first!).  The kids, yep, all three of them are whinging cause there's nothing to eat.  Little do they know there's a good reason for that, they have to eat the things at the back of the cupboard before they go out of date!

Oh well before I go I did want to share a photo I took a couple of days ago.  This little Cati's decided to flower for the first time.
The Cati's actually belongs to my nana, who's now in a nursing home.  It sits in my favourite place the patio.

Off to do the grocery list!!
Love Lynnelle

1 comment:

Tamsininamania said...

My favourite place is Home - at the moment...
most places and especially my 3 husband and i placed near the cool of the old concrete rain tank. have fun, be inspired. cheers.